Skills Needed for The Future

The next decade, starting in 2020, will now change the way careers are built, broken, and rebuilt – globally. Industry leaders and governments, who agree that the future is not about jobs but about skills and qualifications, acknowledge that the pace of change has already impacted current jobs and employers over the last 3-5 years.

So here are some of the key skills needed to survive and thrive in the decades ahead.
What skills and knowledge do you think you need to stay up to date now and prepare for the future?

If you intend to improve your skills over the next three to six months, you should consider receiving feedback from your employer on what skills may need to be improved. To be an effective learner, the skills you choose should match your current skills and interests. The inclination to avoid and struggle with knowledge and skills that you do not have can help you decide what to focus on now and in the future.

However, rapid technological change means that the skills cycle is shorter than ever, and most of the jobs of tomorrow remain unknown. Key competencies that existed a decade ago are being passed on today, such as computer skills and knowledge of computer programming and programming languages.

Companies must identify and develop the core competencies that their employees will need in the future. Interviews, surveys, and case studies show that most companies focus on honing their employees’ skills that do NOT prepare existing employees or new hires for their ability to use new technologies in their workplaces. 

We also note that digital technologies typically captivate digital workers, many of whom enter the labor market from narrow academic streams and are more fascinated by digital technologies than by business problems. 

As most jobs become more digital, robots, machines, and AI systems will take on the tasks we are paid to do today. The takeover of jobs by machines means that many of the skills that are in demand today are becoming obsolete. To stay in the workforce, workers need to develop skills that are better suited to the digital future of work.

The top ten skills needed to succeed in the Fourth Industrial Revolution have been shifted from prioritizing complex problem-solving as the top three skills to adding emotional intelligence to the list. Skills that will be very valuable for the digital future of work include the ability to solve problems – solving complex problems, communication skills and the use of social skills. This list reflects the fact that robots can accomplish many tasks faster than humans, but that machines still lack creativity and emotional skills.

As technology develops, workers need to constantly update their skills and understand how new technologies affect the nature of their jobs. As technology assumes a greater share of the workload, the most sought-after employees will be those with skills that computers cannot replicate. However, this also increases the need for workers with the skills to use, build and innovate the technologies of the future. 

In order to position organizations to successfully embrace this new era of work, they will need to demonstrate their learning approach in the future. By defining skills that help workers succeed today, we can empower workers to focus on the skills that will be critical to success tomorrow. 

The latest Future of Work survey by Ceridian found that business leaders recognize the importance of closing the skills gap because they believe the workforce will look very different in the future. This means that companies will have to work harder to keep up with changing skills to meet future workplace needs. In partnership with the Future Institute, Cornerstone has identified five “super capabilities” that will help organizations meet the demands of future work.

Businesses in all sectors need to identify the skills needed in the future and develop strategies to acquire these skills. They immediately require a new level of knowledge, skills and experience, as well as the ability to adapt. 

The skills required by employers today are different from the skills of tomorrow, because skills take time to acquire and tomorrow will be associated with an ever-changing business landscape. When it comes to key professional skills, soft skills such as problem solving are not always fashionable, but they can make your skills more attractive to employers.

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