Challenges from an optimistic and pessimistic point of view

“The pessimist sees difficulty in every opportunity. The optimist sees opportunity in every difficulty.” -Winston Churchill

With every event or opportunity that comes to us, there are many ways that we can view a situation. It is true that there are going to be challenges to overcome every opportunity.

From a Pessimist point of view, it won’t be easy to fulfill an opportunity. They are likely to give up. They give up quickly because they see difficulty as a road-block that can never be overcome and lose hope in completing the task.

However, an Optimist handles the situation differently. No matter the difficulty an Optimist sees, they think of ways to overcome it and won’t give up unless the task is complete. They see opportunity as a way of evolving themselves and others around them that might be depending on them to overcome this challenge.

Between the two of them, the Optimist is favored more than the Pessimist as he or she thinks of creative ways to overcome a situation. The Optimist ultimately has the confidence and drive to finish what is needed to be finished.

No matter how hard an assignment or a situation is, one must never give up. Think of how the situation that you are struggling with will impact your life if you have completed it.

Mostly, if not always, the situation will allow you to learn about something. If you haven’t finished it, it becomes a wasted opportunity.

It is unknown what skills might be needed for the future. Therefore, it is essential to dive into every situation and finish it to improve your life and possibly others. You won’t hate it more than if you are a Pessimist.

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