2020: A Time for Change

Let’s be honest, 2020 is one of the most tragic years in the history of the 21st century. From the Australian fires to COVID19 to the Beirut explosions that killed hundreds of thousands of people. While these events hold many sorrows and worries, they are also a cry-out for change, and how we are responding to change due to these events.

After these events, we, as a community, are more likely to be aware of suspicious activity and ensure that everyone’s safety is secured. It is very similar to the outcome of 9/11. However, with the many events that happened in a single year, people are more likely to be on the look-out for life-threatening signals than in previous years.

In addition, a community of people will band together to help others in need. Look at COVID19, the Australian fires, and the Beirut incident. This instance reminds us of the importance of humanity and kindness to one another, as we can only survive if we work together rather than be against one another.

Disasters of any kind are full of sadness as many lives and homes are taken away from the world. However, it is a lesson that we must all take to ensure that future lives will be preserved rather than lost. In addition, it is also a time to remind ourselves of the kindness that each of us holds and how we should continue to strengthen and use it each and every day in our lives.

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